The Entrepreneurial Journey - my new obsession

Blog Concept

Having a blog that works well is like telling the world that you are up for a conversation. At the very core of it, that’s what a blog site is: A Conversation.

Build British Business” has been the ethos of many UK organizations and government offices for years. The Formations Company needed a blog site, and I was rapt to have uncovered the brand name from market research (and find the domain name still available)… As the blog’s Content Editor I was adamant it had to be about Humans first, Google second…This blog now has thousands of unique readers a week and is an ongoing passion project of mine.

In 2 words it’s all about inspiration and empowerment.
Updated weekly, we feature Inspirational Entrepreneurs, StartUp 101 articles and business trends and a myriad of entrepreneurial events.

If you’re keen to collaborate, guest blog or visit alliance partnership discussions, do get in touch. I seek to hear all about your journey!


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